Get the Body You've Always Wanted
Most commonly referred to as body sculpting and body contouring, you may also have heard of it as body shaping, CoolSculpting, or WarmSculpting®. In a broad sense, they're all methods used to shape one's body. In today's world of enhanced medical applications, they refer to non-invasive treatments designed to rid the body of fat cells, thereby making you look better, feel better, and be happier. Non-invasive body sculpting encompasses a number of procedures that effectively sculpt and contour the human physique without having to go under the knife. For most patients, these procedures produce very satisfying results and eliminate the need for prohibitively costly operations, the risks of sedation, prolonged recovery times, and scarring.

There are many reasons people seek out body sculpting and body contouring. Often, despite dedicated weight loss and exercise regimens, those trouble spots just won't go away. Some women find that after having children they just can't get their pre-mom body back, despite their best efforts. Others simply just want to look better in their clothes, underwear, or bikini. Many men find that they're burdened with a spare tire even though they're working out harder and watching their diet better than ever. With changes in priorities and demands upon your career and family time, such a situation often occurs. This is usually an inevitable path of life. We address your treatment goals and offer proven treatment strategies with hormone replacement options that occur with each decade of life. There is personal empowerment in reestablishing your lean mass, strength, mental focus, late afternoon stamina, family life interests, and personal performance prowess from the bedroom to the boardroom.
At Sculptique Aesthetics, Dr. R. Stephen Jennings, an internationally-renown innovative leader in body shaping and minimally-invasive sculpting techniques. He perfected our Sculptique techniques that yield the best results in the quickest amount of time. Dr. Jennings attains results twice as profound as other options by implementing both WarmSculpting by SculpSure treatments spaced four to six weeks apart while augmenting them with his trademarked Sculptique Cosmetic microinjection treatments performed in the weeks between WarmSculpting laser procedures. The results are truly astounding. Dr. Jennings can help you achieve a better proportioned, smoother, and leaner body faster than treatment options you may have tried before. He is a board-certified expert with over 25 years of experience dedicated to helping both women and men reach their personal appearance goals. Living your life in the body you've always wanted is a choice.
Dr. Jennings personally helps you achieve proportionate, aesthetically balanced, and attractive results with a patient-centered approach. His patients find their new attractive bodies also empower a positive body image and renewed self-confidence which leads to greater personal and relational happiness. This is the optimal post-Covid pandemic solution to personal renewal!
Sculptique Aesthetics offers a full range of body sculpting solutions that are specifically tailored to address your individual aesthetic challenges. In a consultation, Dr. Jennings will delve more thoroughly into the various solutions and answer any questions you might have as well as discuss your goals, expectations, and the synergistic actions that will help you reach your goals. If you're having trouble getting rid of those trouble areas or you'd just like to sculpt your body shape but just don't know where to start, a quick call to Sculptique Aesthetics will get you on your way. Call (949) 717-4811 today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Jennings at our Irvine office.
Call For An Appointment Today!
Despite adherence to a strict diet and a consistent exercise routine, we are bombarded by the number of people who have stubborn pockets of fat they just can't shed. Well, now there's a solution that's clinically proven to eliminate large amounts of fat in just one treatment. Introducing WarmSculpting by SculpSure®, the first FDA approved laser device for fat melting. WarmSculpting by Sculpture® is body sculpting and body contouring technology that will safely target and destroy fat cells in just 25 minutes. You won't need recovery time, pain medication, or even a ride home. If you want, you can go straight to the gym because there is no recovery time following the treatment, so you can resume your daily activities immediately. One treatment of WarmSculpting by SculpSure® will eliminate 25% of the fat cells in that given area and even though one treatment will yield good results, most patients opt for two or three treatments to achieve optimal results.

Sculptique Cosmetic is the aesthetic medical specialty employing the technique of multiple micro injections of pharmaceutical and homeopathic medications, standardized natural plant extracts and vitamins into the mesoderm. This proprietary formulation of medicines superficially injected into the skin kills the fat cells. Your body naturally eliminates them over 6-8 weeks. Generally, most healthy adults between 18 to 80 may have Sculptique Cosmetic for body sculpting and weight loss, cellulite treatment, and Sculptolift skin rejuvenation. Exclusion criteria are in place and preclude those patients confronted with moderately severe heart disease, insulin-dependent diabetes, on blood thinners or arrhythmia medications, immune-compromised and/ or organ transplant recipients, and pregnancy. Cancer patients in remission must be carefully evaluated in conjunction with their personal oncologist's recommendations. With the occasional exception, most likely this group is excluded from treatment. You may be asked for a medical clearance letter from your personal physician for more complex problems. Hypertension must be controlled on medication. Thoughtful consideration is given to every patient request for treatment.
Laser heat energy lipolysis for targeted fat reduction.
LipoSculpt Body Contouring
Targeted Sculpting Micro-Injections.
For wrinkles and frown lines.
Aesthetic treatment of glabella, wrinkles, crow feet, and smile wrinkle rejuvenation.
Lips and Nasolabial Folds Dermal Filler
Facial Contouring and Dermal Filler.
Why Sculptique Aesthetics?
In a late 2019 national survey by AARP, women over age 50 feel that they’re largely ignored by the beauty industry as they age even though they spend a massive $22 billion annually. And 70% of women aged 40 and up felt that more targeting of perimenopausal and menopausal women for beauty products and services should be done. Medical spas were listed as a popular option for health and beauty services that they would like to see more advertising directed at their demo. A full medical spa can offer a wide assortment of services that can help with looking and feeling your best. But how does one choose the right med spa? We’ll dive into some of the most important factors to consider when comparing med spas.