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Sculptique Cosmetic

Sculptique Cellulite Reduction & Refinement

More than 90 percent of American women are affected by cellulite.  This medical condition has been one of the most difficult to treat and viewed by most women to impact their self-image and self-esteem.   Sculptique Cellulite has been a safe and successful cellulite treatment among European and South American physician practitioners for many years.  More recently, it is being acclaimed in American media as the cellulite cure. Dr. Jennings' Sculptique Micro-injections treat difficult cellulite areas, often after liposuction where our clients have asymmetry, scar tissue, irregular areas with dimples and loss of collagen.  He performs minimally invasive Microcisions, which effectively release scar tissue and serve to rejuvenate damaged areas.  There is a rejuvenated resurfacing and contoured appearance over several treatments, personalized to the patient's needs and concerns.

Cellulite knows no boundary of female physique type, afflicting both the slender and overweight, the athletic and sedentary.   It is not caused by being overweight.  Cellulite forms when defective connective tissue bands retract the skin and become stretched by enlarged bulging fat cells.  This structural disruption creates collagen micro-scars (sclerosis) at inflexible shortened lengths. Cellular water is retained, lymphatic flow restricted, and fat cells expand and stretch.  Eventually, this results in the lumpy 'cottage cheese dimpled appearance.  Causative factors include poor redundant circulation, inherently defective connective tissue, and enlarged adipose fat cells.  Contributing factors may include previous liposuction surgery, the weight gain of pregnancy, and the personal challenges of consistent healthy nutrition, dietary eating habits, and inconsistent exercise during the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions. The medical term for Cellulite is Dermatomyoliposclerosis (DMLS), which captions the above process.

How It Works

Sculptique Cosmetic is the aesthetic medical specialty employing the technique of multiple micro injections of pharmaceutical and homeopathic medications, standardized natural herbal extracts and select vitamins into the mesoderm.  Developed by Dr. Michel Pistor, Paris, France; Sculptique Cosmetic became recognized as a medical specialty (Mesotherapy) by the French Academy of Medicine in 1987. Today, the International community numbers over 18,000 physicians practicing Sculptique Cosmetic techniques throughout Europe and South America.  Whereas worldwide, the specialty addresses a spectrum of general internal medicine problems, in the United States Sculptique Cosmetic has become popularized as a 21st-century aesthetics specialty.

Our Sculptique Aesthetics™ Medical Center physicians select the Sculptique Cosmetic medication solution formula most specific to treat your condition or appearance concern.  Most Sculptique Aesthetics™ formulas have been developed through the MIT Mesotherapy Institute of Technology,   MIT researched Sculptique solutions have been formulated with the most current medical and pharmacological research.   This best-practices approach assures our clients of the most effective and consistent treatment results.  Micro-doses of medications are administered into targeted intradermal sites for treatment of the cosmetic spectrum of body sculpting, cellulite reduction and skin rejuvenation, targeted fat reduction and overall weight loss.

Doctor R. Stephen Jennings, M.D., FAAFP is a Diplomat and Fellow of the American Board of Mesotherapy and Cosmetic Medicine: and Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians. He is the first Sculptique Cosmetic Specialist providing full-time expertise in southern California. Representing one of the most prominent Sculptique Cosmetic centers nationwide.  our Sculptique Aesthetics™ Concierge Service has assisted patients throughout the United States in achieving successful treatment. Please contact us for your personalized consultation and treatment with Dr. Jennings and our dedicated team.

Sculptique Cosmetic Cellulite treatment benefits include:


  • Restoring blood flow to the redundant circulation
  • Dissolving excess fat deposits (lipolysis)
  • Removing fibrotic, hardened connective tissue (cellulysis)
  • Improved lymphatic function
  • Smoothing of skin contour (refinement)
  • Microcision® dimple resolution


Female Sculptique Cosmetic model highlighting treatment effects of gluteus.

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Female model with tape measure around abdomen illustrating fat loss from Sculptique Costmetic treatment.

There are four stages of cellulite, each of which may require a different treatment:

  • Stage 0:No visible cellulite, even when skin pinched or compressed.
  • Stage 1:No visible cellulite when standing or lying down, however present when the skin is pinched or compressed.
  • Stage 2:Visible cellulite when standing, however not apparent lying down.
  • Stage 3:Visible cellulite whether standing or lying down.
  • Stage 4: Visible cellulite and scarring after liposuction.


Sculptique® Cellulite intradermal rejuvenation, targeted contouring and Microcision® dimple resolution represent cellulite treatment as coveted and highly valued among women. It is regarded as one of the most important cosmetic procedures and treatments in daily living appearance.

Sculptique-Cellulite™ solutions are medically directed with the Sculpt Ject System™ technique.  Effective Sculptique-Cellulite™ treatment, depending on the stage and severity, may often require 8 to 10 sessions.   Healthy lifestyle habits of diet and exercise support successful results.  Patients with stage 3 or stage 4 cellulite and/or overweight with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30 may require longer-term treatment.

Sculptique Cosmetic Info

Sculptique Cosmetic applications include:  Treating Cellulite, Lipo-Sculpting and Contouring, Weight Loss and Facial Skin Rejuvenation. Sculptique Aesthetics Cellulite-Treatment™ is the non-invasive, intelligent preferred choice for cellulite. It successfully targets adipose fat cell metabolism, stimulates collagen refinement, and supports the hydration of the mesoderm extracellular matrix (ECM). This smoothes uneven and asymmetrical areas of the thighs, hips, buttocks, banana rolls, saddlebags, and abdomen. Our clinical results have consistently helped patients with asymmetry and cellulite reduction after liposuction. During the course of treatments, our clients may readily appreciate the cellulite reduction and new refinement of their skin.  Clinically proven results have made our Sculptique Aesthetics Cellulite-Treatments™ one of the most popular and successful cellulite reduction and refinement procedures available today.


LipoSculpt™ treats body sculpting, contouring,  weight loss,  and targeted fat reduction. It's a highly effective non-invasive treatment for achieving an optimal lean body mass. We successfully target and treat those difficult and stubborn places you may know all too well!


Our Sculptique Facial BeautyProgram has provided our clients with our exclusive French Nappage skin tightening procedure and the most successful facial rejuvenation products, including Botox Cosmetic®and Restylane® dermal fillers. The Facial Beauty program gives you a more youthful, aesthetically pleasing appearance that is maintained with quarterly treatments. The men's treatments produce an athletic vibrant appearance that carries all the way to the Board Room.


Our Anti-Aging Wellness Health Programs are a proactive, preventive wellness-based, patient-centric approach to your future health. We provide Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) consultation and management.  Human Growth Hormone (HgH), Androgenic Maintenance (Depo-Testosterone Cypionate), and bioidentical hormone treatments keep you younger and more vibrant.  Men strive for personal performance enhancements.  Women enjoy balanced hormone treatments that enhance vibrant, healthy lifestyles, both professionally and personally. 


Our Sculptique Aesthetics™ Center treatments encompass Body, Mind, and Soul Spheres to help patients achieve their best versions of themselves in appearance, improved energy levels, and leaner physiques. Our team strives to help you attain health and lifestyle support information for the harmony and balance of your life.


Our LipoSculpt™ WeightLoss program is administered through our affiliate, THINNER AT LAST™.  Thinner At Last™ is an innovative Telehealth mediated,  multi-dimensional program with high-touch services including personal consultation, prescription medication, metabolic nutraceutical supplements, and team support focused on your successful long-term weight loss goals. Thinner At Last™ supports healthy lifestyle preferences and exercise suitable for good health.

We highly recommend this medically-supervised THINNER AT LAST™ program for maintaining your WarmSculpting, Cellulite, Contouring, and Cosmetic treatment results into long-term wellness health.


Plastic Surgeons refer their patients with liposuction complications to us as a trusted referral source. Dr. Jennings has successfully performed over 6,000 Sculptique Cosmetic treatments, including cellulite Microcision dimple resolution and rejuvenation.


The Sculptique Aesthetics™ consultation includes your medical history review and a focused examination, discussion of medications, both FDA-pre-approved and pharmacy-compounded, and an overview of the applied biochemistry and pharmacology principles. Patient-centric safety is most important.  We explain the potential side effects and risks of treatment. Should you have any health concerns, we work with your personal physician to achieve medical clearance before treatment and keep them informed of your clinical progress.


Our  Team will discuss your assessment, diagnosis, and recommend the number of treatments needed. Healthy eating decisions and a regular exercise program are important lifestyle choices that significantly support and enhance your clinical results. Exercise, nutrition, thyroid metabolism, and vitamin supplements are discussed with each client during treatment.


Dr. Jennings'  expertise is leveraged to achieve your optimal aesthetic treatment and weight loss goals successfully.  Whether you are interested in Cellulite, Body Contouring and Sculpting, Sculpsure laser WarmSculpting,, Neck-Up Facial Beauty, or any of our Personalized Concierge Services, please make your Consultation Appointment today.